Thanks for submitting your request to receive Critical Reload TV information. Please check your inbox for those materials. This page contains additional resources to answer all your Critical Reload TV questions best. We are humbled by your interest and look forward to meeting you with the chance to serve all your nutrition education needs.


Video Overview

Critical Reload lets you deliver weekly nutritional topics to your athletes with the same level of scalability you’ve come to master with your strength and conditioning program. 

Discover Your School's Purchasing Power

Your school can likely purchase CR TV by exploring these suggestions:

  • Determine who’s your school’s Curriculum or Procurement Manager (CPM). These folks spend much of their job assisting staff and directing curriculum processes.
  • The CPM helps coordinate the activities of purchasing agents or buyers and ensures that different departments adhere to curriculum policies and procedures.
  • Share with them your CR TV  interests in allotting the school to make the purchase. Including Critical Reload’s Nutrition Curriculum (Teacher/Coach) + Nutrition Guidebook (Student) usually makes sense when discussing such matters.


We are standing by if you wish to arrange a meeting with your school's Curriculum or Procurement Manager and our Critical Reload Team.

The Curriculum

In this video, Coach Bewley walks you through the powerful tools and features of the Critical Reload Nutrition Curriculum and Guidebook.

Within this video, you’ll learn about:

  • The difference between the Critical Reload (CR) Curriculum and Guidebook.
  • How the coach/teacher and student instructional plans are displayed and their accessibility differ.
  • Review formative and summative quiz integration with each guidebook chapter.
  • How education is sourced and vetted for quality and accuracy.
  • How Critical Reload’s entire education system lets you monitor student progress, provide assistive feedback, and more.


In this video, Coach Bewley explains our brochure to help you become confidently familiar with the Critical Reload TV.

Within this video, you’ll learn about:

  • Critical Reload (CR) TV’s annual broadcast calendar and cycle.
  • Ways you can leverage CR TV to develop leadership skills.
  • Safety and security measures that ensure your school’s wifi network is secure.
  • How CR TV offers scalability while creating a unified nutrition message across your entire program.
  • How CR Nutrition Calculator encourages discussions, problem-solving, and practical skills.
  • How you remain compliant with state laws regarding nutrition education with CR TV.
  • CR TV pricing and common start-up practices among schools.


Schedule a meeting with Coach Bewley to discuss how Critical Reload can transform your school's nutrition.

© 2023 Critical Reload, LLC. All rights reserved.


Schedule a Meeting Directly With Us

We know your time and schedule are valuable. Schedule a meeting with Coach Bewley to discuss how Critical Reload can transform your school’s nutrition.