Critical Reload Boost
UNIT 1: Welcome & Introduction
Getting Started: Critical Reload Nutrition Calculator -
CR TV Ch 1: Defining Nutrition1 Quiz
Unit 2: CarbohydratesCR TV Ch 2: Energy Balance1 Quiz
CR TV Ch 3: Carbohydrates Part 11 Quiz
CR TV Ch 4: Carbohydrates Part 21 Quiz
Unit 3: Gut HealthCR TV Ch 5: Carbohydrates Part 31 Quiz
CR TV Ch 6: Gut Health Part 11 Quiz
Unit 4: ProteinCR TV Ch 7: Gut Health Part 21 Quiz
CR TV Ch 8: Protein Part 11 Quiz
CR TV Ch 9: Protein Part 21 Quiz
CR TV Ch 10: Protein Part 31 Quiz
Unit 5: FatCR TV Ch 11: Protein Part 41 Quiz
CR TV Ch 12: Fats Part 11 Quiz
CR TV Ch 13: Fats Part 21 Quiz
CR TV Ch 14: Fats Part 31 Quiz
Unit 6: HydrationCR TV Ch 15: Fats Part 41 Quiz
CR TV Ch 16: Hydration Part 11 Quiz
CR TV Ch 17: Hydration Part 21 Quiz
Unit 7: Vitamins & MineralsCR TV Ch 18: Hydration Part 31 Quiz
CR TV Ch 19: Vitamins & Minerals Part 11 Quiz
CR TV Ch 20: Vitamins & Minerals Part 21 Quiz
Unit 8: Meal Planning & Nutrient TimingCR TV Ch 21: Vitamins & Minerals Part 31 Quiz
CR TV Ch 22: Meal Planning Part 11 Quiz
CR TV Ch 23: Meal Planning Part 21 Quiz
CR TV Ch 24: Meal Planning Part 31 Quiz
CR TV Ch 25: Meal Planning Part 41 Quiz
Unit 9: Nutrient RatiosCR TV Ch 26: Meal Planning Part 51 Quiz
CR TV Ch 27: Nutrient Ratios Part 11 Quiz
Unit 10: Nutrient TrackingCR TV Ch 28: Nutrient Ratios Part 21 Quiz
CR TV Ch 29: Nutrition Tracker App1 Quiz
CR TV Ch 30: Power of Habits1 Quiz
Unit 11: Sleep & RestCR TV Ch 31: Simple Start1 Quiz
CR TV Ch 32: Sleep & Rest Part 11 Quiz
CR TV Ch 33: Sleep & Rest Part 21 Quiz
Participants 368
Lesson Overview
This week’s lesson highlights the importance of nutrition and rest for athletes to improve their health, performance, and recovery. It discusses the symptoms that may indicate a need for better nutrition and rest. It distinguishes between general nutrition, which sustains essential bodily functions, and sports nutrition, which requires more precision and provides the necessary energy, nutrients, and recovery for athletes operating at a heightened competitive level. It emphasizes that a healthy person can also benefit from understanding sports nutrition, which involves consuming more nutrients to support a physically competitive lifestyle and hydration requirements. It also clarifies that “diet” refers to a positive health choice rather than restrictive eating for weight loss. The lesson concludes by emphasizing the importance of nutrition and rest in delaying fatigue, boosting recovery, and improving strength for athletes.
Learning Objectives
- Recognize the symptoms that may indicate the need for better nutrition and rest in athletes.
- Understand the distinction between general nutrition and sports nutrition and their respective requirements.
- Realize the importance of consuming more nutrients and understanding sports nutrition, even for individuals who are not athletes.
- Appreciate the positive aspects of a healthy diet and its impact on overall well-being, energy levels, and self-image.
- Comprehend the role of nutrition and rest in delaying fatigue, enhancing recovery, and improving strength for athletes.
- Internalize the concept that a bad diet cannot be compensated for by training alone.