DWMA Sports Level One | Dynamic Warm Up Routine & Movement Screen Course
DWMA Introduction
Welcome To DWMA -
The Race Car And The Athlete1 Quiz
History and Innovators of Human MovementDynamic Warm-Up Is Superior
History of the Movement Screen
The Kinetic Chain And Human Movement1 Quiz
DWMA: The Strength Coaches Movement ScreenDWMA Conception
DWMA's Validation
Why Coaches Need DWMA1 Quiz
What DWMA Is And Is NotWhat DWMA Is
What DWMA Is Not1 Quiz
The DWMA Screen ExercisesInchworm-Upward Dog1 Quiz
Straight Leg-Hip Hinge1 Quiz
Downward Dog-Heel Raise1 Quiz
Frankenstein1 Quiz
Knee Up1 Quiz
Lunge-N-Reach With Twist1 Quiz
Quad Table Reach1 Quiz
Twisting Triangle Lunge1 Quiz
Overhead Squat1 Quiz
Side-To-Side Lunge With A Twist1 Quiz
Executing The DWMA ScreenPerforming Your First DWMA Screen1 Quiz
ConclusionDWMA Level One: Next Steps
Participants 187
Hello! If you are viewing this content, then I want to thank you for your time and interest in Dynamic Warm-Up Movement Assessment (DWMA) program and a pledge to embrace corrective exercises with your athletes or clients.
Traditional movement screens, like the FMS (Functional Movement Screen), are amazing tools for screening movement dysfunction in clients. Their value holds substantial merit among physical therapists, athletic trainers, and personal trainers. The problem is what these movement screens teach are not usable or applicable to strength coaches. The format of movement screens cannot be easily put into practice by them. The raw information is there, but it has to be honed, manipulated, and presented in a way that allows strength coaches to take immediate control of their team’s movement dysfunctions.
DWMA is a system that puts the information together in a way that shows strength coaches and athletes how to very quickly implement the system into their regular training and make massive changes. This implementation into your weekly training is significant because so many movement screens and corrective exercise routines want the strength coach to stop doing their athlete’s lifting and “getting stronger” work to do their “prehab” system instead. As a strength coach, I know that strength conquers a heck of a lot, and you can NOT cut that out of your program, or you don’t have a program.
DWMA is a strength coaches movement screen. It is a new strategy where you waste minimal time and get maximum transfer to an athlete’s performance or rehab. Bottom line: the DWMA is the best way to conquer screening and succinctly apply corrective exercises without sacrificing the athlete’s training.
In this course, you will learn:
- The athlete and the human body are highly “complex machines.”
- Differences between a dynamic warm-up and a movement screen.
- The “kinetic chain” and the interconnected body segments allow the body to move.
- How poor movement can dampen performance by robbing efficiency and perpetuating injury.
- The value of employing a movement screen to identify movement dysfunction before enhancing an athlete’s physical capacity.
- Social norms that attribute to success and failures with traditional movements screens and
- Benefits and features that make DWMA unique from customary movement screens and assessments.
Movement Screens, in general, are becoming part of the norm in the sporting world, yet executing them with a team can prove a challenge for coaches at any level. However, by utilizing the Dynamic Warm-Up Movement Assessment, or DWMA for short), this challenge can be much easier to overcome.