Performance Blog Recovery Nutrition Blog

Convenience Without Compromise: How Critical Reload Outperforms RTD Products
Introduction In the world of sports nutrition, the quality and effectiveness of post-workout recovery products can make a significant difference in athletic performance and muscle

Is a Protein Shake Before or After Workout Better?
Deciding to have a protein shake before or after workout has long been debated among coaches and athletes. The age-old belief centers around a “golden

Collagen is good for…?
What is collagen? Collagen is a key building block of connective tissue and one of the most abundant proteins in the body. It provides structure

Nutrition for Recovery: What’s Really Important to Have Post-Workout
I am often asked by coaches and athletes about nutrition for recovery. Recovery is both acute and long-term with the goal of returning to normal

What are the best foods for recovery?
I get hit daily with this question, especially as my athletes get deeper into their seasons, and the desire to feel good every day is

Post-Workout Nutrition: Does The Recovery Window Exist?
The goals of post-exercise nutrition are to restore and promote training adaptations. After exercise, catabolic processes – state of breaking down- dominate, such as an
What are you doing for your team's sports nutrition?
Critical Reload delivers sport-specific nutrition solutions designed by certified strength coaches and registered dietitians to safely prepare athletes for competition. Since 2004, Critical Reload has been trusted by thousands of coaches, athletic directors, teachers, and athletes at the high school, college, and professional levels.