Performance Blog Pre-Workout Nutrition Blog
The Breakfast Dilemma: Should You Eat Breakfast Before or After a Workout?
IntroductionHey there, young athletes, parents, and coaches! The age-old question, “Should you eat breakfast before or after a workout?” has been on many minds. A
Pre-Workout Nutrition, Part III: Is it Necessary?
The pre-workout window has traditionally been viewed as the 4 hours before training and competition and serves to: Prevent or delay fatigue, Improve performance, Setup
Pre-Workout Nutrition, Part II: Carbohydrate Loading
Beginning a key training session or competition with sufficient carbohydrate stores is important for preventing fatigue and impairments in cognitive function.  Many athletes have heard
Pre-Workout Nutrition: Part I
Pre-workout or pre-game nutrition, in the days and hours prior, serves to: Support performance by providing sustained energy, Maintain an optimal hydration status, Prevent muscle
What are you doing for your team's sports nutrition?
Critical Reload delivers sport-specific nutrition solutions designed by certified strength coaches and registered dietitians to safely prepare athletes for competition. Since 2004, Critical Reload has been trusted by thousands of coaches, athletic directors, teachers, and athletes at the high school, college, and professional levels.