Recently, Greens powders have been popularized by influencers on social media as the latest and greatest product claiming many health benefits. So naturality has been a common topic of discussion among athletes on whether they should be taking a greens product so let us discuss if worth your money.
What are Greens Powders?
Green Powders are dietary supplements that contain vitamins typically found in green fruits and vegetables.
Depending on the brand, these powders will have a variety of different ingredients ranging from prebiotics to adaptogens. Pricing will also vary as brands will charge more for special formulations of their proprietary blends.
Not a fan of vegetables? Here are 3 ways to add more veggies into your diet →
So, what are the benefits, and is it worth taking?

Greens powders claim to help increase energy, improve gut health, balance hormones, stabilize blood sugar, and detox our bodies. Yet, these products typically contain proprietary blends (which means they do not disclose the exact amount of the active ingredients) so you never really know how much of the active ingredient you are getting.
 In addition, these products are highly processed therefore they take away other health-promoting ingredients found in fruits and vegetables like fiber, water, minerals, and antioxidant potency.
Looking for an multivitamin that is safe for athletes too. Learn more here →
Should you be taking a greens powder?
In my professional opinion, No. Given the limited research on these products and the cost investment it is not worth your or money. These products can range from $30-$110 for a one-month supply!
You are better off saving your money and adding more fruits and vegetables into your diet as your body prefers this method as the vitamins and minerals as they are more bioavailable in whole fruits and veggies.
What if…
Your diet is limited due to allergies, intolerances, finances, and/or preferences that limit your ability to consume nutrient-dense foods including fruits and veggies, then consideration of a safe multivitamin supplement is on the table.
Zhang J, Oxinos G, Maher JH. The effect of fruit and vegetable powder mix on hypertensive subjects: a pilot study. J Chiropr Med. 2009 Sep;8(3):101-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jcm.2008.09.004. PMID: 19703665; PMCID: PMC2732245